
Abstracting the Figure – Figure drawing and painting with a Modern and Contemporary Approach with Honourary Drawing Master Brian Smith


This exciting acrylic workshop will develop your eye along with your ability to abstract the human form, to learn to “see” it in terms of simple shapes more easily and to develop more satisfying compositions. You’ll paint the draped and undraped model and develop a looser, freer approach to painting the figure.

Each day will begin with a slideshow presentation that focuses on a specific aspect of abstracting the figure. We’ll see examples from a variety of artists both historically well-known along with some contemporary artists you might not know.

We’ll work with a professional model and a broad range of art supplies to encourage exploration and play. This will be your opportunity to learn to abstract the figure with a focus on composition and colour along with lots of positive one-on-one guidance from Brian. Brian will also present a number of short demonstrations and daily critiques to round out this exciting week!
TELEPHONE: Mary 250-714-8080
Website: www.vancouverislandartworkshops.com
E-MAIL: info@vancouverislandartworkshops.com



Workshops & Classes