Rising shipping costs are becoming a dominant factor that hinder artist participation in exhibitions.
The Answer:
Create a call where artists are encouraged to submit small two-dimensional artworks, that can be delivered in an envelope to our gallery at minimal cost to the artist.
The Result?
An affordable call for submission, culminating in an international exhibition of art with cash prize awards for artists.
The Theme:
Common to all of humanity is a love for our homes. We all have a special attachment to our home, whether that be a place or person, whether it is where we presently live or the place we left behind. Home is where our heart resides. This exhibition is about experiencing the homes of others, opening ourselves to the diversity of “home”, and maybe finding something unexpected that we have in common.
Size: Every artwork that is included in this exhibition will be framed upon arrival at our gallery.
The inside dimensions of these frames are 8” x 10” (20.4 cm by 25.4 cm).
Your artwork must fit within these dimensions and must include an appropriate mat. The outside dimensions of the matt must be 8” by 10”, while the inside dimensions of the mat may vary depending on the needs of your artwork. Matt must be light in colour; white, cream, beige or grey.
Learn more and submit online at: