Art After Dark is a soiree style party designed to cultivate the creative community in Vernon by offering a venue of art, food, drinks, music, hands-on art activities, local tastings, and current exhibitions all in one evening at Vernon Public Art Gallery. Join us Friday September 29th, 2017 for the next Art After Dark. Tickets are $15 each and are on sale now, available at the gallery (250-545-3173), online via Suggested attire for Art After Dark is cocktail party chic.
The scene will be set with a live DJ (Skywryter), a photo booth, and Marten Brewing Co. beer on tap, along with Sangria and wine. Get involved in the optional art activites like the watercolour galaxy project inspired our current exhibition, Stellar. Immerse yourself in Perfect Music: High Voltage a hands-on interactive music and sound exhibition full of possibilities! Enjoy appies compliments of the gallery, and food and beverage tastings by The Grub Truck. Art After Dark is proudly sponsored by Woolley & Co. Barristers and Solicitors and Sun FM.
Buy tickets today online at