
Art on Display – Good Vibrations: Music and Dance in Visual Art


The City of White Rock in partnership with Semiahmoo Arts is currently accepting submissions to our “Good Vibrations: Music and Dance in Visual Art” exhibition as part of our Art on Display program.

All artists are invited to submit a maximum of three works of art that deal with the subject of music and/or dance. This group exhibition focuses on how artists interpret the awe-inspiring world of music and dance with their pallet.

The exhibition runs from March 8 to April 17, 2014 and the opening reception will be held on Saturday, March 8 from 2:00-3:30 pm at the White Rock Community Centre.

Submissions must include:
• Art on Display Application Form – available on www.semiahmooarts.com/2013/10/art-on-display-juried-art-exhibition-good-vibrations-music-and-dance-in-art/
• Artist Consent Form
• $10 entry fee for each piece submitted. A maximum of three pieces per artists. Cash or cheque accepted. Cheques to be made payable to “Semiahmoo Arts”

The completed entry form and fee is to be delivered to:

White Rock Community Centre – Art on Display Program
15154 Russell Avenue
White Rock, BC, V4B 0A6

Deadline for Application Submission: Friday, February 21 at 4:00 pm

All art work must be delivered to the White Rock Community Centre on Wednesday, March 5 between 9:00 am and 6:0 0pm. Art work not accepted to the exhibition needs to be picked up on Friday, March 7. All artists needing to pick up their art work will be contacted.

There will be cash awards for this exhibition. First prize will receive $55, second prize will receive $30 and third prize will be awards $10. At the conclusion of the exhibition, a people’s choice award will be given to the artists who received the most votes from the general public.

Created in partnership with the City of White Rock and Semiahmoo Arts, the Art on Display program ensures art is visible and accessible to the community. In a series of 5-8 themed juried exhibitions held throughout the year, Art on Display showcases work in a variety of media by British Columbian artists.

Semiahmoo Arts
Laura Offley, Administrative Assistant
14600 North Bluff Road, White Rock, BC
604-536-8333 // lauraoffley@semiahmooarts.com

White Rock Community Centre
Claire Halpern, Manager of Cultural Development
15154 Russell Avenue, White Rock, BC
604.542.7580 // chalpern@whiterockcity.ca



Call for Submissions