
Artist Call / Request for Proposals: 2020 Branscombe House Artist-in-Residence


ARTIST CALL: 2020 Branscombe House Artist-in-Residence Program

Live-in residency opportunity from January to December 2020 in Richmond, BC

Details and application: Richmond.ca/BranscombeArtistCall
Deadline: July 3, 2019

The City of Richmond invites professional, community-engaged artists to submit proposals for an 11-month, live-in residency located in Richmond, BC.

We are seeking proposals for interesting new projects and programs that promote meaningful community engagement through artistic opportunities. Artists who are passionate about working with diverse communities are especially encouraged to apply. All disciplines accepted, including writers, composers, visual artists, musicians, theatre artists, video, multi-disciplinary, social practice and performance artists.

Branscombe House is a beautifully restored Edwardian style house located in the residential area of historic Steveston in Richmond. The self-contained two-bedroom artists’ suite upstairs is offered as an artist residence/studio with 100% subsidized rent in exchange for ~22 hours/month (240 hours total) of hands-on community engagement. The City will also provide in-kind marketing support, as well as facility/production support associated with public programs (including access to free use of cultural and performance spaces; basic workshop materials, print production, tech support, etc.) as negotiated and provide up to $1500 in materials reimbursement.

Applications will be accepted until July 3, 2019. For further details on this opportunity, visit Richmond.ca/BranscombeArtistCall and download the detailed Request for Proposals.

Questions? Contact Katie Varney, Community Cultural Development Manager, kvarney@richmond.ca | 604-247-4941.



Call for Submissions