
Artist Salon with Ho Tam on Self-Publishing


This month’s special guest artist features Ho Tam, who will be sharing his best practices on Self-Publishing. Self-Publishing is becoming an increasingly popular “do-it-yourself” method for artists to have their work shared and shown to audiences that they may not normally reach. As an artist who publishes his own artist books, magazines, blogs and various publication projects, Tam will discuss his role as ‘artist as publisher’, which includes everything from editorial, design, production and distribution.

The Artist Salon is an opportunity for emerging and established artists to meet other artists, share or present current work with peers and discuss upcoming opportunity in the arts community. Join our Richmond Art Salon Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/RichmondArtistsSalon/ for updates on arts events, open calls, residencies, courses and more.

Artist Bio:
Vancouver based artist Ho Tam was born in Hong Kong and educated in Toronto. He is a graduate of the Whitney Museum Independent Study Program, Bard College (MFA) and the recipient of various fellowships and artist’s grants. Tam works in a diverse mix of disciplines including painting, video, photography and print-based art and has exhibited in various cities across North America. He has been working with artist’s books since 1993 (‘The Yellow Pages’). His recent publishing projects include two series of artist’s zines – 88Books (works by artists from China), XXXzines (queer zines by international artists) – and his own magazine/book series hotam. Ho Tam most recently had a solo exhibition at the Richmond Art Gallery in April – May 2018, featuring a selection of photo, video, artist books and magazines spanning his career. You can see more of his various projects at hotam press and Front Line.

Free admission, all levels of visual artists welcome to attend.

Registration required via Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/artist-salon-with-ho-tam-tickets-45668868816

For more information, please visit our website: http://www.richmondartgallery.org/upcoming/artist-salon-with-ho-tam/



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