Jeroen Witvliet will create an enclosed structure within the confines of the gallery space to install a series of paintings. The work is to be understood as a whole that addresses the multiple sensations that one experiences or thinks about when under a bridge; these liminal spaces are often places of privacy, social drama or emptiness. The work attempts to question the relationship between spectatorship and participation and how we use visual clues to negotiate our way through self-made narratives.
Curated by Wendy Welch and Laura Gildner
Opening: Oct. 7 at 6pm
Continuing to Oct. 31, 2016
The SLIDE ROOM GALLERY is located on the lower lever of the Vancouver Island School of Art 2549 Quadra Street, Victoria, BC 250.380.3500
Gallery hours: Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm or by appointment