
Boxed Sanctuary


Artists of all mediums are invited to created mixed media, collage boxes that explore the question, what is sanctuary? Ready-made boxes will be available upon request for an additional fee. Artists are encouraged to build boxes of their own, or to use ready-made boxes of their choosing. Exhibited artwork must be within 2ft x 2ft x 2ft, and may be freestanding or wall mounted. Special exceptions for sizing may be granted on a case-by-case basis by contacting the Centre. Artists will have the option to sell their work with 25% requested as a commission donation to the Robert Bateman Centre.

Those interested are asked to complete the Artist Submission form and return to erin.henshaw@batemancentre.org

Submission deadline: October 17th 2016.
For more details please visit: http://bit.ly/2cQaK3y



Call for Submissions