
Breastfeeding Art Expo in Kamloops April 5-11, 2018


The Expo is being hosted at the Mastermind Studios Soundstage located at the large building behind the strip mall at 954 Laval Crescent, free parking in the strip mall or on the street or behind. This is a great chance to visit the Soundstage, Kamloops amazing place for the making of movies, documentaries and television series. The Breastfeeding Art Expo Opening and Expo is FREE to attend. Opening night is Thursday, April 5th, 6-9pm with opening speeches at 7:30 pm, free appetizers and beverages. The Expo continues for ONE WEEK ONLY, April 6-10 10am-9pm and Wednesday, April 11 from 9am to 12pm (last day). Don’t miss this amazing show! The goals of this Expo are many and include: to increase awareness of the benefits of breastfeeding, encourage new ways of thinking about health through art, and support work towards establishing better care for women to breastfeed in the hospital and community.

This is a travelling Expo that has been “on the road” for the past year and Kamloops is the last stop! The Expo is presently in Williams Lake at the Station House Gallery until March 31st. For more information about the Expos please go to www.breastfeedingartexpo.ca and https://www.facebook.com/breastfeedingartexpo or to view videos go to https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8Sy0ZmOFXZdQ7iZm3xR2wg Go to the EVENTS section of the website to see the Kamloops Poster http://breastfeedingartexpo.ca/events/

We look forward to seeing you! Any questions can be directed to karen.graham@interiorhealth.ca

This Expo is a collaborative project with KCR-Community Resources and funding from Vancouver Foundation, BC Arts Council, Interior Health, Central Okanagan Foundation, First Nations Health Authority and the Hamber Foundation. At the Kamloops Events support for the appetizers and beverages is from Make Children First, Interior Community Services, Kamloops.


