
Call for Artists: ‘Clouds’ Exhibition


For Clouds, artists are invited to muse on clouds in their many forms, densities, shapes and shades – whether that be literal or figurative. What about clouds is significant to you? The serenity of mist settling in the valley? The power and awe of the darkest storm clouds rolling in? Perhaps the perfection of the puffy, white plume of the stratocumulus? Are you affected by the ever-present cloud cover during the spring, fall, and winter (and sometimes summer, too)? Do the clouds make you SAD? Or, are you in love with the rain and the life-sustaining water it brings? Share that passion for clouds with us!

The exhibition will be held at CityScape Community Art Space March 24 – April 22, 2017, with an opening reception on Thursday, March 23, 7-9m.
We welcome 2D, 3D, photography and installation works in all mediums responding to the theme, Clouds.

Submission must include: 
-Images of no more than eight works that are available for exhibition.
-Images may be submitted as digital images in PDF or JPG format on DISK or USB or as printed photographs.  All images must be labeled with title, size and medium.
-A complete list of submitted works that includes title, size, medium, price and thumbnail images of work.
-A CV, BIO and brief artist statement that describes your artistic process and/or methodology.
-A jury fee of $10 for members and $15 for non-members.
-Name, mailing address, phone number, website and email address (if applicable).
-A SASE if you would like your mailed submission returned by post.

Deadline for submission:  Saturday, January 21, 2017 at 4pm

SUBMIT ONLINE: http://nvartscouncil.ca/home/artist-calls/call-artists-clouds-exhibition-cityscape



Call for Submissions