VOAF is dedicated to supporting self-identified outsider artists who face social exclusion and other barriers to sharing their work. Artists facing visible or invisible barriers are invited to apply.
Need help applying? Come to an Info Session where you will learn about the festival and write an artist statement for the application. If you need photographs taken of artwork please bring 4 examples to the Info Session.
Please RSVP to
Saturday, April 7 2:30 PM Roundhouse, 181 Roundhouse Mews
Monday, April 9 6:00 PM Kitsalano Library, 2425 MacDonald Street
Wednesday, April 11 6:30 PM Carnegie Community Centre, 401 Main Street
Monday, April 23 6:00 PM Mt. Pleasant Library, 1 Kingsway Avenue
Tuesday, April 24 6:30 PM Roundhouse, 181 Roundhouse Mews
How to Apply: Visual Artists
In 500 words or less, please tell us the following:
1. Tell us about yourself and your practice.
2. How do you identify as an Outsider Artist?
3. Include your name and how we can contact you.
Artwork submission details
1. 2-D and 3-D work is accepted. Maximum width of artwork is 48″
2. Video/digital media work no more than 5 minutes in duration can be submitted for consideration.
3. Attach photos of four (4) artworks as .jpg files attached to your email. If mailing an application please provide printed copies of the photos.
4. Images can be samples of the type of work you create. They do not have to be the exact works you will exhibit.
5. Attach a list with the images that includes your Last Name, Title, Year, Medium, Width in Inches X Height in Inches for each artwork. Or include that information in the file name.
Submission e-mail and mailing address can be found at the bottom of the page.
How to Apply: Performing Artists
In 500 words or less, please tell us the following:
1. How do you identify as an Outsider Artist?
2. Describe your performance including duration (10-60 minutes) and the number of performers.
3. Let us know if you have both shorter and longer works.
4. Include your name and how we can contact you.
5. Please attach links to videos or be prepared to audition.
Submission e-mail and mailing address can be found at the bottom of the page.
How will we choose?
Our primary value is inclusion of self-identified outsider artists. We also consider your other exhibition and/or sales experiences. Lastly we look at your body of work, especially whether you have a long-term and ongoing practice.
If there are more applications than available spaces all eligible artists will be entered into a lottery.
Contact Information for Applications
Apply by email:
Apply by mail:
440-111 W Hastings Street
Vancouver BC V6B 1H4
Applications accepted until 5:00 PM on April 30, 2018.
Mail-in applications must be postmarked on April 30 latest.
More info at