
Call for Submissions – 2020 Multifaith Calendar


Each year, the Multifaith Action Society invites artists to submit works of art for consideration in its upcoming Multifaith Calendar.

The theme for our 2020 edition is: Reimagining Peace and Harmony

We believe this theme is open to a wide variety of interpretations and leaves open the possibility for a rich array of artistic submissions.

Click to view our 2020 MFC Call for Submissions flyer: http://www.multifaithcalendar.org/pages/ARTISTS-CALL-FOR-SUBMISSIONS.php

Who does not want world peace and harmony in their lives? It is an almost universal desire. But today, the world seems to be moving away from this ideal.

What do you think peace looks like? Is it different from harmony? We all have moments of peace. We can in fact take a snap shot of the moment where we felt peace. But then it seems, the moment moves away from us. Harmony is a little more fluid. It is not just one thing or one moment. Harmony is often created when many notes or many things come together in a new way and create a feeling.

This is a chance for artists to think outside the box. If most people want peace and harmony in their lives show us how you reimagine these two precious commodities in today’s world.

Our aim is to produce a Calendar that will showcase a variety of interpretations on our theme while creating a visually cohesive publication. We encourage all artists to submit images, including artists who have had their work showcased in past Multifaith Calendars.

Submission Guidelines:
Artwork on this theme can be submitted in any medium. All artists are invited to submit including those who have never been featured in the Calendar and those who have been featured in past editions. Work can be in any medium. The interpretation of the theme will be determined by the overall collection of images received.

How We Pay Artists:
Selected artists will be offered an honorarium of $250 per monthly calendar image, $500 for the cover image, and $100 for smaller inset images placed throughout the Calendar. In addition, selected artists will receive a set of complimentary Calendars once published.

How to Submit Entries:
Submit digital images in low resolution (jpg/72dpi) to: artsubmissions@multifaithaction.org

Should a piece be chosen, we will contact the artist and request a high resolution version of the image (9″ x 9″, 400dpi).



Call for Submissions