Find the call for artists at this link.
CanwaxWest (CWW) is now accepting submissions for Waxing Poetic 2018. This celebration of encaustic painting will exhibit at Leir House from September 7th to October 5th, 2018. Waxing Poetic is an open show and juried for prizes. CWW wants to encourage all artists working with encaustic, from every experience level, to submit their work to CWW shows. The CanwaxWest awards presentation will be held at the Shatford Centre’s Okanagan School of the Arts on September 15, 2018.
Painting Drop Off: September 7th between 10:00 and 11:00 a.m. If shipping your art, please see “Delivery of Art” below for details. Mailed in submissions must arrive at Leir House by Sept 6, 2018.
Entry fee: $10:00 per person, cash or cheque made out to CanwaxWest. Pay in person on the drop off day or if your mailing your submission, please include entry fee in packaging.
Art Show Opening + Reception: September 7, 2018 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at Leir House
Painting Take down / Pick-up: October 5th between 10:00 and 4:00 p.m. All works mailed in will be packed up this day, in your original packaging, using prepaid label provided by you or shipped by the way it arrived i.e. FedEx or other.
2018 Categories:
The Thea Haubrich Award of Excellence
Technical Excellence
Pushing Boundaries
Emerging Artist (Painting for three years or less. To be juried for the emerging artist category please include how long you have been painting in your biography.)
To Submit – All submissions are to be sent to Mandy Rollins at by September 3, 2018. (see guidelines get forms from website