
Circle of Three: Nancy Day, Laura Hilts, Carmen Mongeau


Gallery Hours: Wednesday through Sunday from 11am – 5pm

This exhibition features distinct works by three FCA artists and colleagues.

Meet the Artists Reception: Saturday, July 21, 1:00 to 3:00

Carmen Mongeau presents “Murmurs”: an array of new prints including monotypes, monotypes chine-colle and collagraphs. Her new work includes abstract works and botanical renderings that capture the colours of remembered times and places.

Nancy Day presents “Mystique”: a series of provocative landscapes in several dimensions. Unique and engaging works suitable for small spaces and larger areas. These works are based on travels through pastoral areas of France and images from our own diverse country.

Laura Hilts presents “Organic Geometry”: a series of watercolour and acrylic works, delicate images combining geometric and organic shapes.

Coast Collective Gallery & Art Centre
#103 – 318 Wale Road, Colwood, BC V9B 0J8
(250) 391-5522



