
Clay Dreams by Anyuta Gusakova


Inspired by Anyuta’s dreams of magical characters, animals and toys, her incredible imagination is formed into stunning creations in porcelain & clay.

Anyuta is a Russian-born and classically trained Canadian artist. Her mediums of choice are multimedia sculpture, painting and ceramics. Her artistic style combines principles of classical art with craft applications, folk decorative motifs, surrealism, mythical subject matter and modern expressions. Anyuta’s sculptures have been on public display at the Vancouver International Airport and the Vancouver Playhouse. In 2017, Anyuta won the design challenge to create a new national Canadian Legend Award, initiated by the Canadian College of Performing Arts and granted to David Foster. Her pieces were finalists at the San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts 22nd National Ceramic Competition, the 2nd International Ceramic Art Competition in Roseville California, the Vancouver IronCladArt design challenge, and Une Oeuvre de Faience, the 5th international ceramic sculpture competition in France. Currently Anyuta is doing an art residency with the Pottery Northwest Ceramic Arts Center in Seattle, WA. For more information about Anyuta, please visit her website: https://www.anyutastudio.com/

“Clay Dreams” runs from February 28th, with an opening reception from 3pm – 6pm, until March 31st at Circle Craft Gallery, 1 – 1666 Johnston St (In The Netloft).


