
CONSTRUCTION ABSTRACTION Artist Talk featuring Jay Lyonns


Constructed Abstraction is an exhibition that will be held at The Deer Lake Gallery featuring the work of Mark Bowen, Jay Lyonns, and Monique Motut-Firth. Constructed Abstraction is hosted and organized by The Burnaby Arts Council. The Exhibition will open on Thursday, February 8thand will run until March 10th, 2018.

The mental space where disparate ideas converge can resonate at a high frequency within the body. Synapses fire as ideas light up and your mind attempts to deconstruct information, compile common properties, and contrast dichotomies, to paint an overall encompassing image of a place of understanding. Constructed Abstraction is a collection of works that visualize this process in addressing the thematic meeting point of urban spaces, industrialization, natural elements, and social identity represented through digital prints, woodcut prints, neon, and collage. The layers of imagery are bold and colourful, almost as you would imagine as an idea held in the forefront of your mindโ€™s eye.

Jay Lyonns is an East Vancouver based illustrator and designer whose professional work includes art direction and design within agencies for web, print and console video games. His freelance and contractual work includes illustration and design for books, websites and corporate clients. Depicted through the use of neon and prints, this selection of work addresses themes of urban spaces of Vancouver combined with the iconic imagery of culture found within it.


