
Discovery: Fire


The Discovery 2015 theme is: Fire.

Entry Fee:
There is a $10.00 non-refundable jury fee. Selected artists must become members of the Seymour Art Gallery. Artists can submit up to three pieces per artist or artist collaboration.

Work must be suitably prepared for exhibition, ready for presentation. Wall mounted work must be appropriately framed or stretched with finished sides and properly wired for hanging. Work not properly prepared for exhibition may not be exhibited.

Work for exhibition must be available for drop off on Sunday January 4, 2015 and remain on display for the duration of the Discovery exhibition: January 7-31, 2015.

The Seymour Art Gallery will retain a 35% commission for all works (or orders) sold. Work not for sale (NFS) should be labeled as such and should include a value for insurance purposes. The insured value of each work will be 35% less than the sale price, meaning it will not include artist commission.

There are no restrictions as to media or size of artworks. Fine or applied art in all media, individually or collaboratively produced, traditional and indigenous work is welcome. Only original works are eligible. Work must have been completed after January 2014 and must not have been previously shown in a public juried exhibition. Artists must include a one-paragraph artist statement explaining how the submitted artwork(s) address the 2015 theme: Fire.

Awards and prizes:
Emerging Artist Award $300, Honorable Mentions

How to Apply:
Create a login at https://seymourartgallery.slideroom.com
1. Provide your contact information
2. Have an artist biography maximum 500 words and one-paragraph artist statement explaining how the submitted artwork addresses the 2014 theme: Fire.
3. Upload one high-resolution image. You will be required to provide the title, medium, price and dimensions of the piece.
4. Pay the non-refundable $10 jury fee.

The Application Deadline is Tuesday November 4, 2014. Jury selection notifications by November 18.



Call for Submissions