
Free Film Screening : Seth’s Dominion


7:00 – 8:00 pm : Film Screening in Richmond Cultural Centre Performance Hall
8:00 – 9:00 pm : Performance of Omnis Temporalis in Richmond Art Gallery

Seth’s Dominion is a 2014 National Film Board of Canada animated/live action documentary directed by Luc Chamberland about the Canadian cartoonist Seth. Throughout his works, Seth transforms an poignant inner life into observant and witty graphic stories. Incredibly prolific, he produces semi-autobiographical comics, award-winning commercial work, as well as what he calls his “little hobbies.” Here, director Luc Chamberland sheds light on his articulate character, mixing insightful biography with vivid animation in an artful fusion of filmmaking techniques that perfectly captures Seth’s manifold creative universe.

Performance of Omnis Temporalis by Mark Haney to follow the film screening, featuring a live theatrical rendition of Seth’s graphic novella, “George Sprott: 1894-1975”.

Documentary Running time: 42 minutes
Rated PG – Parental Guidance suggested. Some material may not be suitable for children.

Free admission. Registration required due to limited seating. Register at EventBrite: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/free-film-screening-seths-dominion-tickets-30062925018.

More details at www.richmondartgallery.org
Richmond Art Gallery
7700 Minoru Gate
Richmond BC


