
Gallery Opening: The Art of Wood | Clay Compulsion | Port Moody Arts Centre


Join us for the opening reception of our newest exhibits, The Art of Wood and Clay Compulsion.

Opening Reception
Thursday, June 6th, 2019 | 6-8pm
Artists in attendance | free admission | refreshments served
Sponsored by Peller Estates

The Art of Wood
Greater Vancouver Woodturners Guild (GVWG)
June 6 – July 11th, 2019

Canadian Pacific Gallery, Suncor Gallery
Woodturners are mesmerized by transforming natural wonder that is wood into a work of art. For this juried exhibition GVWG members showcase the centuries old craft of woodturning in all its forms

Clay Compulsion
Keith & Celia Ride-Jones
June 6 – July 11th, 2019

Ann Kitching Gallery
Although Keith and Celia Ride-Jones have very different ways of working with clay, they continue their thirty year journey of discovery through their personal art practices and collaborative projects.

More info: https://www.pomoarts.ca/gallery/exhibitions/185-gallery/1015-june-july-2019-exhibitions


