Call for Submissions
Indigenous Perspectives – Home on Native Land
2017 marks the 150th anniversary of Confederation in Canada. This offers a chance to reflect on Canada’s history, look to the future, and embark on a renewed relationship with Indigenous Peoples across the Nation. Port Moody was known at the time as the coastal terminus for the railway. However as part of this celebration into Canadian history three art venues within the city invite Indigenous artists in Canada to exhibit their creative works. The Port Moody Arts Centre, Silk Gallery and the Gallery Bistro are all providing their spaces to exhibit creative works.
The intent behind this program is to engage artists, residents, new immigrants and visitors in conversations surrounding the theme of “Indigenous Perspectives – Home on Native Land”. We invite First Nations and Indigenous 2D and 3D artists (carvers, sculptors, painters, mixed media) to submit their works as it relates to themes of relationship to land, water, cultural identity and spirituality.
“Indigenous Perspectives – Home on Native Land” runs from June 15-July 16 at the Port Moody Arts Centre, Silk Gallery and Gallery Bistro in the City of Port Moody.
Important Information
• Artists may submit up to ten pieces of their work for consideration.
• All artwork must be gallery quality and ready to display.
• There are no fees to enter or exhibit, but the galleries will retain a commission on sold artwork.
• Silk Gallery and Gallery Bistro will show 2D and 3D works. Port Moody Arts Centre is 2D work.
Checklist of what to include:
Biography (maximum 200 words)
Up to ten images of your artwork. (300 dpi, under 2 MB)
o All images must be labeled 01_ LastName_Title through 10_ LastName_Title.
A corresponding list of artwork in an XLS or word format with images, titles, media, sizes, and prices of work if for sale.
Dates to remember:
Deadline for submissions: May 16, 2017 – email notification of acceptance by May 19th.
Artwork Drop off June 9, 2017 9:30 am – 5:00 pm
Opening Reception: Thursday June 15th, 6:00 – 8:00 pm for Port Moody Arts Centre exhibition
Art Walk Receptions: Friday June 23rd – Gallery Bistro, Silk Gallery and Port Moody Arts Centre.
Pick Up Artwork: Monday July 17th 9:30 am – 1:00 pm
Applications or questions may be directed to: