
Journey by Chilliwack Visual Artists


Chilliwack Visual Artists Association is presenting Journey, an exhibition filled with intriguing forms and mediums that express the artists’ view of being on a journey. Not just a short trip to the beach on a weekend, or even a vacation! We will be sharing a vision of journeys which have a story to tell! Perhaps a striving for an ideal long desired, or a growth from a small beginning to something much larger. Join us in the quest! Journey will be showing from November 1 to December 10, 2018

You can visit the O’Connor Group Art Gallery at 9201 Courbould Street in Chilliwack on Wednesdays through to Saturdays as well as before some evening concerts.
Reception November 3, 2018 1:00-3:00pm. Many of the Chilliwack Visual Artists will be present at the reception. Admission is free.

Title: Journey
Artists: Chilliwack Visual Artists
The O’Connor Group Art Gallery
Chilliwack Cultural Centre
9201 Corbould Street
Gallery hours: Wed-Sat 12-5pm
Date of Exhibit: Nov 1-Dec 10,2018
Reception: Nov 3, 2018 from 1-3 pm
Admission: free


