
Linda to the Power of 3


Gallery Open Hours: Wednesday to Sunday, 11am to 5pm (Closed Monday/Tuesday)

Do you remember sitting through those math classes – what is the value of 3 squared, also known as 3 to the power of 2? What is the value of 3 cubed, also referred to as 3 to the power of 3? YAWN!!!
BUT Linda to the Power of 3 – now THAT is something else again – and about as far removed from boring math as you can get! Let me explain.

We have Linda Anderson, Linda Byrne, and Linda Gordon, all artists in their own right, BUT put them together and what do we have? A powerhouse of talent – in other words, Linda to the Power of 3.
Linda Anderson cannot remember a time in her life when she hasn’t been creating. She now tries to balance her time between personal painting, entering juried shows, conducting workshops, and giving private lessons. Her pared down paintings of flowers will have you leaning in to breathe their delicate fragrance.
Linda Byrne paints in a variety of styles, styles so realistic that you expect the birds to take wing, the snowboarder to leap from the canvas, the peeled orange to be ready to eat. She has an innate ability to engage viewers of all ages and artistic abilities.
Linda Gordon favours vibrant colours and uses her photographer’s eye to paint dog images in a photo realistic style. You’ll oooh and aaah over man’s best friend – maybe consider adoption.
So, each artist has her own unique style, but put them together and they compliment each other beautifully – hence, Linda to the Power of 3! You are invited to view the show in the Westridge Gallery hence at Coast Collective Gallery & Art Centre from May 8th to May 19th. But to REALLY get a sense of this powerful trio, plan to attend the Meet-the-Artists Reception on Saturday, May 11th from 1 to 3.


