
Opening Reception – 2 Exhibitions, “Learn Create Live” and “Dirty Laundry”


You’re invited! Opening Reception
Thursday July 20, 2017 | 6-8pm
Port Moody Arts Centre 2425 St. Johns Street

Artist in attendance | free admission | refreshments served

Each year Port Moody Arts Centre holds more than 300 art classes for students of all ages and abilities to enhance their skills, learn about a variety of artistic mediums and best of all, have fun learning and creating. Prepare to be delighted by this multi media showcase of artwork by our students. From kindergarten to seniors, they have submitted their favourite classroom piece for this biennial exhibition.

Gloria Han glimpses at the passion within immigration journeys. Through the privilege of listening to the family histories of the patrons of Port Moody Arts Centre, she was able to relate these histories to the sacrifices made by her parents. The reasons behind migrations differ from fleeing war to seeking opportunities; but the common factor in the stories is the love behind the sacrifices in Dirty Laundry.

For more information, please check out our Facebook Event


