
Register for “How to Paint a Boat” with Christina Morrison


This is a fun two day workshop for those who want to paint a boat in a very relaxed environment using acrylic paint. The painting starts with a simple outline of a small dinghy. We will paint in the rest. Reference photo will be supplied.

For those who feel more ambitious, I will have a few other alternatives which are not complicated once they are broken down.

Painting is easier than you think once you learn these steps. The paintings in this posting are easily doable with some training.

Supply list:

11×14″ or 16 c 20″ canvas primed with Gesso
Acrylic paints: (artist quality – heavy body – I prefer mostly Golden or Grumbacher paints : Titanium White, Pthalo Blue (green shade), Cobalt Blue (I prefer the Grumbacher Academy acrylic), Yellow Ochre; Cadmium or Hansa Yellow; Cad Red Light; Raw Umber; Burnt Umber; N6 Neutral Gray
Brushes: Bring an assortment of what you have or what you like to paint with.
Water Container
Paper Towels
Cheap plastic table cloth (or shower liner)

Learn more about Christina Morrison


Workshop entrance on Wale Rd
Parking beneath building

Check it out at https://www.coastcollective.ca/events/how-to-paint-a-boat-for-beginners-with-christina-morrison-feb/



Workshops & Classes