
Smithers Art Gallery seeking submissions for 2019-2020


The Smithers Art Gallery welcomes applications for solo shows and joint/group shows (thematic or non-thematic)in all media forms. With two showing spaces in our gallery we welcome applications for our main gallery space and our mini-gallery.

Submissions will be juried by and independent selection committee comprised of artists and art lovers from the community and headed by the Gallery’s Art Director.

In order to ensure an interesting and varied schedule, the Gallery will exhibit an artist in a solo show or Main Gallery show not more than once every 3 years.

Submissions & Application: Deadline for applications is January, 15. Artists will be notified of the outcome of their applications by January 31. Applications can be found at http://smithersart.org/uploads/general/Updated_Exhibition_Application_2019-2020.pdf

For more information:
Nicole Chernish, Manager info@smithersart.org 250-847-3898



Call for Submissions