
The 2018 Texada Island biennial Artist Studio Tour is happening this year on July 28 + 29.


Texada Artist Studio Tour July 28th & 29th, 2018

Adventure to the end of the Sunshine Coast and over to Texada Island for the 2018 biennial Artist Studio Tour. Visit the 21 island artists in their 13 studio and group venues as they showcase their work, demonstrate their techniques and share their inspiration. See the works of painters, potters, beach glass, stained glass and fused glass artists, jewelers, photographers, woodworkers, felters, knitters, print makers, chain saw carvers and soap makers. Travel our 50 miles of pavement as you visit the seaside communities of Van Anda and Gillies Bay, venture down Fry Pan Lane and up Shelter Point Road. Come by car, ferry, boat, foot or flight. Spend the weekend and get to know our artists and our gem of an island.

Free Tour Bus available each day – info at http://www.texadaart.com/register.php
Studio Tour info at http://www.texadaart.com/
Travel and Accommodation info at http://www.texada.org/



Studio Tour