
The Winter Show


Eclectic Gallery
2170 Oak Bay Avenue
January 8th – February 24th
opening reception: Saturday, January 13th, 3 – 6 pm

Tony Bounsall works in many mediums, from Collage, to iPhoneography, Printmaking, Encaustics and Mixed Media. He is an established visual artist, and has worked as a professional photographer for thirty years. Tony is a photo arts graduate from Ryerson Polytechnical University. He is currently on the faculty of The Vancouver Island School of Art and teaches workshops and classes in BC and Alberta. #tbounsall on Instagram.

David Ladmore is best known for his emotionally charged landscapes that are at once mysterious and familiar. Influenced by the paintings of Turner and an early love of science, David is an award winning artist who works in the classical tradition in oil, watercolour and etching. “My work is a response to the beauty and simplicity of the things I find around me. In figure and landscape, careful study reveals the undercurrents and rhythms of existence.”



Show & Sale