As most of us are realizing more deeply, we are living in challenging times. We see the effects of climate change, violence around the world and displacement of families and populations due to political chaos and war. We hear of ever hardening points of view, human rights abuses and discrimination. We long to find ways to encourage our hu-manity, understanding and caring. We long to see through the cracks to the light we know shines for us all.
One of the promises of art has been to reflect for us both our realities and our pathways forward. As George Bernard Shaw wrote: “You use a glass mirror to see your face; you use works of art to see your soul.”
February 7-March 4, members of The Fort Gallery present a group show that considers these realities, (both pitfalls and promises of our times), in light of Leonard Cohen’s An-them lyric: “There is a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.” The public is warmly invited to a reception, held in conjunction with March First Thursday, which will be held March 1st, 7-9pm.
Gallery hours are Wednesday to Sunday, noon-5pm
The Fort Gallery, 9048 Glover Road, Fort Langley
Twitter: @FortGallery