
UnBecoming, An Annotated Exhibition


September 14 – October 22, 2016
Reception: Sunday September 18, 3 – 4:30 p.m.

Artist Elizabeth MacKenzie presents a new series of large-scale, drawing-based digital prints investigating the problematics of self-portraiture, along with two additional installations that annotate her creative process within the development of this work. Describing this project she writes: “These images represent me and not-me, a process of becoming and unbecoming.”
Installations that annotate the artist’s creative process stand opposite the prints, offering a glimpse into the motive and method behind the work. The artist describes a collection of sketches, experiments, and fragments from past projects as a “genealogy” of her new work. A large mind map, rendered directly on the gallery wall, reflects her ruminations on this project.
Studio visits with a number of artist colleagues, from a variety of backgrounds, are crucial to MacKenzie’s process. These conversations will move into the gallery within a series of three public programs. This continuing dialogue will be documented within the artist’s exhibition blog, available at seymourartgallery.com.
Sunday September 18, 2 p.m. How it Begins: Artist Elizabeth MacKenzie discusses the history and thinking behind her work during an exhibition tour
Saturday October 1, 2 p.m. How it Develops: What role do other artists play in an artistic practice? A discussion with artists Elizabeth MacKenzie and Jin-me Yoon
Saturday October 22, 2 p.m. How it is Shared: A discussion on the value of public engagement with artist Elizabeth MacKenzie and artist/arts programmer Cyndy Chwelos
Elizabeth MacKenzie is a Vancouver-based artist whose current work uses drawing to interrogate portraiture as an ambiguous, shifting field of interaction and interpretation. Her drawings, installations and videos have been presented in numerous exhibitions and screenings across Canada, United States and Europe.


