Join us at the Port Moody Arts Centre for the opening reception of our new exhibitions: Art in the Park, Ancestral Drift, Pure Colour, Indigenous Perspectives and the Rhode Island Portfolio. Opening reception is on Thursday, June 15th from 6-8PM. These exhibitions run from June 15 to July 16, 2017.
Artists in attendance | free admission | refreshments served
Art in the Park
A traveling exhibition for Canada 150 that provides an opportunity to connect with the natural and cultural history of Glacier National Park.
Ancestral Drift – Tiki Mulvihill
Ancestral drift infuses past within present inside a cross-cultural perspective lens, which strangely defines Canada.
Pure Colour – Roberta Combs
Working with the rich, buttery textures and clean velvet colours of pastels, Combs’ work transforms simple scenes and common items with beautiful light and delicious drama.
Indigenous Perspectives – Home on Native Land
First Nations artists express their relationships to land, water, cultural identity and spirituality through their artwork.
Rhode Island Portfolio – Yannie Lo
Yannie Lo aims to use her work to evoke strong emotions, create important commentary on social issues, and bridge art and dance.