2020 Social Distancing Exhibition

April 10, 2020 - April 30, 2020


About the 2020 Social Distancing Exhibition:

We know, you’re stuck at home.

While many are stocking up on household essentials, artists are worried about running out of gesso.

In the hopes of bringing some joy back to our current situation, the Federation is asking you to submit works created during your period of social distancing.

Artworks can be of any subject, size or style. Preference for awards will be given to artworks that best exemplify or communicate beauty, joy and/or humour to our jury panel.

Submit at: https://artists.ca/submissions/view/id/1171




First Place Prize

$500 CA

Second Place Prize

$300 CA

Third Place Prize

$200 CA

3 x Honourable Mention Awards

Awards in Title

and FCA Grade Toilet Tissue

Submissions Deadline
April 5, 2020

April 10, 2020 - April 30, 2020
12:00 am
