2021 Annual International Representational Exhibition

September 27, 2021 - October 17, 2021


2021 Annual International Representational Exhibition:

Open to all artists worldwide, this is an annual exhibition and competition for artists practicing representational and semi-representational arts excellence. All subjects are permitted so long as they are representational in style. Please read this booklet carefully for further information.

First Place (1st) $2,000 CA
Second Place (2nd) TBA
Third Place (3rd) TBA
3 x Honourable Mention Awards Awards in Title


This is a qualifying call for submission. Acceptance into this exhibition counts as one point towards Signature Status Applications with the Federation of Canadian Artists. Learn more about Signature Membership here.

Submit online here: https://artists.ca/submissions/view/id/1329

Submissions Deadline
July 31, 2021

September 27, 2021 - October 17, 2021
12:00 am

Federation Gallery
1241 Cartwright Street
Vancouver, British Columbia, V6H 4B7
