5 Ways to Use Winsor & Newton Fineliners

July 05, 2022


5 Ways to Use Winsor & Newton Fineliners


Looking for some drawing ideas for your @winsorandnewton Fineliners? Watch @ryanmartinart shares his 5 favourite ways to use Winsor & Newton Fineliners. Demonstrations will vary from creating the illusion of texture, controlled-hatching, to mixed-media uses.


Watch this demo on the @tfacna Instagram
on July 5, 2022 at 12 p.m PST


The Fine Art Collective NA – Instagram Live Demos

The Fine Art Collective (TFAC) is a group of artists based around the world who run workshops for fine art students in the best institutions as well as running events and creating online tutorials. We have a wealth of knowledge at Colart, which we aim to share through this program.

Follow @TFACNA on Instagram where we host live demos on a wide variety of Winsor & Newton and Liquitex products and techniques.

July 05, 2022
12:00 pm