Acrylic Painting Workshop
February 09, 2021
For beginners as well as painters at all levels. Mixing techniques, painting surface prep, and composition planning will be addressed. Creative use of reference imagery and other practices will be touched upon. Subjects such as landscapes, florals and botanicals, and portrait work will be introduced as options and explored, with a great deal of project flexibility depending upon participants interests. The multi-week format of this course allows for in-depth and tailored instruction and is a great jumping off point for beginners, as well as an opportunity for more experienced artists to get help pushing through issues and roadblocks in an existing practice.
Dates: Tuesdays Feb. 9th to March 9th
Time: 7-9pm
Sessions: 5
Tuition: $210
Classes are held at North Park Art Studio, at 10-903 North Park Street in Victoria BC, and facilitated by artist and illustrator Laura Bonnie. Click here to view studio registration and cancellation policies. Please register at least 3 days before a workshop is scheduled to begin.
Registration Details
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Suppy List
Materials for this workshop will be provided