Acrylic Still Life Art Workshop

November 09, 2021



Whether you are just starting out with acrylic paint, or have been working with it for a while, focusing on colour theory and palette techniques is a great way to improve your art skills. Each session will start with a colour mixing exercise as a warm up, followed by a small still life painting.
Participants will leave this course with a deeper understanding of colour theory in acrylic pigments, some useful methods for mixing their own shades from a limited colour palette, their own colour wheels for reference and 2-3 still life paintings of fruit, flowers, or other assorted objects.

Acrylic Still Life Painting Workshop

Day & Time: Tuesdays 7-9pm

Dates: November 9th to 23rd

Sessions: 3

Tuition: $145

Registration Details

Suppy List

all materials included.

November 09, 2021
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

North Park Art Studio
10-903 North Park Street, Victoria BC
Victoria, BC, V5T 1C4
Vancouver Island


