Art Downtown
July 06, 2022 - September 15, 2022
Art Downtown is an outdoor summer art festival where both new and established artists are encouraged to create and sell their work in an open setting that will inspire others and change the way quality art is circulated. Located in the heart of downtown Vancouver this event includes live music. Brought to you in partnership with the Downtown Vancouver Business Improvement Association (DVBIA).
This initiative encourages artists of all backgrounds in their quest for self-expression with various incentives and spiritual tools. We search for artists and provide them with an inclusive space to share their creations with everyone. We want artists everywhere to feel the support they need while they pursue the endeavor that has been their dream.
From July to September, artists will be presenting their work and painting techniques in the beautiful setting located at several locations in downtown Vancouver. From July 6th – to September 16th, 2022, from 11 AM till 5 PM.
Wednesdays at Hornby Plaza, 855 West Hastings
Fridays at Jack Pool Plaza, 1055 Canada Place
Registrations for Art Downtown 2022 are now open. If you are interested in exhibiting as an artist or volunteering at the event, please visit our website:
Submissions Deadline
August 31, 2022