Art Therapy for Anxiety

May 16, 2020



What to Expect: Struggle with feeling anxious during Covid-19? Come join Katy, professional art therapist, to experience using art to reduce anxiety and to ground. This workshop will include an art therapy directive, and supportive space to creatively express yourself. No art experience necessary!

Adults (19 years and older) are welcome!


Zoom: Sessions will be held via Zoom. Upon registration, a consent form and Zoom link will be sent to you.

Please contact Katy at for any questions!



Suppy List

Materials: We will work with materials you have at home - no need to purchase anything! Some materials to gather include:

-two paper circles (about the size of a dessert or appetizer plate - you could use one to trace!)

-two to three surfaces (this could include paper, cardstock, canvas, cardboard, etc.)

-pencil & pens

-scissors & tape

Additional items you may wish to collect include: oil pastels, chalk pastels, charcoal, crayons, pencil crayons, markers, Sharpies, paints & paintbrushes, string/yarn, glue, glitter, glitter glue, magazines/flyers, any recylable items (ie. toilet paper rolls) or natural items (flower petals, rocks)

May 16, 2020
10:00 am - 11:30 am

