Bad (Seeds) Art Party! A Hands-On Workshop with Danielle Krysa

January 23, 2021



When: January 23rd at 11:00 am PST (1.5hr event)

Join us for the second of Danielle Krysa‘s creative events with Opus Art Supplies – a hands-on virtual workshop!


The Bad (Seeds) Art Party! workshop will include a 15-minute introduction by Danielle followed by 1.25 hours to make, chat, and share. Check out Danielle’s plans for the workshop below.


Workshop Description:

The only way to make good art is to make a lot of really bad art first. During this online art party, we’ll be using everything we’ve talked about all month (digging deep, experimenting, tossing perfection out the window) in order to weed out those ‘seeds of doubt ‘and turn them into art – the ugliest art we can possibly make! We’ll use those negative seeds that were planted in our minds by someone, somewhere along the way, as the prompt for our really, really bad artwork. With a week still left in January, the worst thing we’ve ever made will be out of our systems, we’ll have weeded our creative gardens, AND all of your ‘why do I still have this’ art supplies will be cleared out of your house! Look out 2021, we’re coming for you.


What you’ll need:

Everything you should have tossed out years ago! Yes, pull out all of your dried out paints, random scraps of paper, old ribbon, safety pins, masking tape, etc. Use a wooden panel (the round ones are my favourite), a canvas, or a thick piece of watercolour paper as your base. Feel free to have a few BAD pieces on the go at one time. Have your usual tools nearby, too: paintbrushes, glue, scissors, water, rags, etc.




Danielle Krysa

Danielle Krysa has a BFA in Visual Arts and a post-grad in graphic design. She is the writer/curator behind the contemporary art site, The Jealous Curator (est.2009), and has curated art shows all over North America. Danielle is also an artist herself, creating narrative mixed media collages that combine found images, objects, and paint. She is the author of several art books: “Creative Block”, “Collage”, “Your Inner Critic Is A Big Jerk”, “A Big Important Art Book – Now with Women”, “A Big Important Artist – A Womanual”, and in September of 2020 her first children’s book, “How To Spot An Artist” was released worldwide. Danielle has had the great pleasure of speaking at TEDx, PIXAR, Creative Mornings, and was interviewed for several video segments on

Instagram & FB : @thejealouscurator

Twitter: @jealouscurator

January 23, 2021
11:00 am - 12:30 pm


Event Type
Artist Talk