Calligraphy as Art

July 06, 2023 - August 10, 2023



This course will introduce you to the fundamentals of calligraphic lettering and the development of a final project that uses lettering as a major component of its design. Instruction will focus on the Roman capitals since all the lettering in the Western world is based on that form. Students will learn how to assemble and use a broad-edge pen to execute Roman capitals by hand. Those who wish to learn a second style will be introduced to the italic hand. A final project could involve emulating a medieval manuscript or using lettering in a contemporary composition. The instructor will show a variety of examples for students to use as inspiration. No prior experience in art or calligraphy is necessary, but artists will find this course useful for strengthening their lettering skills. Suitable for all levels.

Registration Details

Visit the Vancouver Island School of Art website to register online, or phone 250-380-3500.

Suppy List

  • One pad of cartridge paper 24 x 36 (for practice)

  • 1-2 sheets of a good-quality, white or off-white, hot-press watercolour paper (such as Arches or Fabriano) for your finished project, if you are doing one. Please buy the large individual sheet(s), as sketchbook pages will be too small. 

  • One size 0 paintbrush 

  • One plain black pen holder

  • A ruler (the longer the better)

  • Two bulldog clips

  • One mechanical pencil or regular pencil with a sharpener

  • One kneaded gum eraser

  • One tube or bottle of watercolour paint (ie NOT anything called “calligraphy ink”, as it tends to clog pens) in black. You may wish to try a couple of other colours, but it’s not required. 

  • One Speedball C-3 nib if you are right handed. If you are left-handed, buy a left-oblique C-3 nib. (If you can’t find a left-oblique nib, don’t worry! I have a backup plan for you!) 

  • A small, shallow dish that can act as a palette. Chinatown is a great place for this! Even a shallow styrofoam tray will do. 

July 06, 2023 - August 10, 2023
2:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Vancouver Island School of Art
302-733 Johnson Street
Victoria, BC, V8W 3C7


