Cast Drawing Atelier

April 07, 2025 - June 30, 2025

$On website


Mondays 6-9pm and Thursdays 2-5pm

Fall Trimester.

Sept. 9th Dec. 2nd. 12 weeks. 72 hours.

Apply today!

For the first three months students will start by doing masterworks copies and other exercises before moving to drawing from plaster casts.

For the second three months students will continue drawing from the cast, working on refining their technique.

Students who are in the program for over 6 months may start to paint casts and then move to still life painting in oil. This will be decided on a student to student basis.

Students will learn and use both comparative measurement and sight-size techniques.

Each student will have their own work-space and work at their own pace in a supportive and encouraging environment.

Cast drawing is a wonderful way to work on one’s ability to see and record shapes and sharpen one’s eye. Students will be selected by an application process. Preference will be given to students who are interested in working in this program for more then 6 months.

My goal with this program is to develop a small core group of students who are driven and motivated in pursuing their art training. This core group of students will be encouraged to take other classes at the academy.

Monday evenings 6-9pm or
Thursday afternoons 2-5pm
Cost $630 Includes GST. 12 weeks, 12 classes.
36 hours of instruction. Your own dedicated work space.

Take both Monday evenings and Thursday afternoons
Cost $997.50 Includes GST. 12 weeks, 24 classes.
72 Hours of instruction. Your own dedicated work space.
Materials not included.

Priority is given to the students who can take both classes a week.

To apply email Noah at with your name, age and a little about why you want to be in the program as well as your goals for your art. Also please attach 3 images of drawings done from life. All levels of ability welcome.


All levels welcome to apply

Registration Details


To apply email Noah at with your name, age and a little about why you want to be in the program as well as your goals for your art. Also please attach 3 images of drawings done from life. All levels of ability welcome.

Suppy List

Will be emailed to students

April 07, 2025 - June 30, 2025
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Noah Layne Academy of Realist Art
114 733 Johnson Street
Victoria , BC,

$On website

