Collage into Drawing

March 03, 2024



Collage is a versatile art form that provides a great way to develop ideas for drawings. In the workshop you will learn how to make a unified composition from cut-out images and shapes. You will discover how collage can be a powerful tool for storytelling, whether is it used to narrate personal stories, comment on social issues, or just be a playful combination of disparate visual elements. This collage will be used as a source for a charcoal drawing. This process will open you up to the knowledge that ideas for drawing or painting are only a few cut-up elements away from you. Suitable for all levels. All supplies included.

Registration Details

Visit the Vancouver Island School of Art website to register online, or phone 250-380-3500.

Suppy List

All supplies included.

March 03, 2024
1:30 pm - 4:30 pm

Vancouver Island School of Art
302-733 Johnson Street
Victoria, BC, V8W 3C7


