Color Pencil Workahop: Drawing a Rose online learning zoom

July 17, 2021



Two day zoom workshop

Drawing A ROSE with Colour Pencil: A practice in refining skills of accuracy, colour and detail


July 17 – 18

9:30 – 12:30 PST (Vancouver BC )


6 hours

This workshop will explore the fun subject of drawing a rose botanical specimen, tea rose or Rosa esperance.  The objective of the workshop is to understand how to choose colours, how to effectively move from a basic shape to a detailed form using values, colour and colour layering.  This class is not a discussion on a live specimen drawing, we will work from a photo with the emphasis being on botanical accuracy and realism and control of the medium to create intricate details. Students will be asked to redraw the image shape in graphite for preparation to get working on moving the shape into a detailed form. Along the way you’ll get tips, and information on how to work more successfully with colour pencils, how to choose your colours, how to layer and perfecting how you can apply colour on your paper to get more precise realism, from edging to value blends, colour blends and good observational drawing skills.

Students will get access to online feedback, a video of the class and information sheets to help them move forward with the drawing.

No experience is necessary.

Special Instructions


Come join me in this fun workshop where we will explore the beautiful subject of drawing a rose botanical specimen, tea rose or Rosa esperance.  The objective of the workshop is to understand how to choose colours, how to effectively move from a basic shape to a detailed form using values, colour and colour layering.  We will work from a photo with the emphasis being on botanical accuracy and realism and control of the medium to create intricate details. Students will be asked to redraw the image shape in graphite for preparation to get working on moving the shape into a detailed form. Along the way you'll get tips, and information on how to work more successfully with colour pencils, how to choose your colours, how to layer and perfecting how you can apply colour on your paper to get more precise realism, from edging to value blends, colour blends and good observational drawing skills.  

Students will get access to online feedback, a video of the class and information sheets to help them move forward with the work.


No experience required

Registration Details

Fee: $105

for registration contact:

contact page: Contact

Suppy List

Please contact for supply list.

July 17, 2021
9:30 am - 12:30 pm


