Creative Photography & Social Content with JARED VANDERMEER

July 30, 2022 - July 31, 2022



We have all felt it. The feeling of wonder when you see the perfect image. We take out our cameras and phones and we snap away. Our eyes and brains excited with the real-life memory of the moment. Then, when we get home and check out the photos… they just never live up to what we remember.

Creative photography at its core is about changing the perspective of your images, in a way that is hard to visually experience in real life. It captures your moments in a way that enhances the experience and builds on your story that will last forever in the image.

This course will be the most fun you have ever had with a camera.

Learn to use your DSLR, mirrorless or mobile device cameras in ways that create unique and powerful images. Creative photography takes an exciting change of perspective to create. Whether you are a seasoned veteran photographer or are simply looking to make better social media content for your brand, this class will help you reframe the way you take photos.

Jared, a full-time creative photographer on TikTok and Instagram brings his creative photography experience to MISSA in an effort the teach a small and exclusive class of students the secrets of creative photography. Planning, building, and composing creative images will all be part of the fun in a 2-day workshop format. Hands-on and practical techniques will be demonstrated and practiced helping you bring home an amazing set of images and memories.

Registration Details

Register for this workshop through the MISSA website. Click HERE.

Tuition cost includes lunch and daily snacks. Accommodation packages are available if you want to stay on campus and the cost includes dinner and breakfast.

Suppy List

  • DSLR or Mirrorless Camera with favorite lenses Or Modern Mobile Device with camera (2019 device or newer)
  • Be prepared to be outside at times (weather permitting)
  • Notebook and pen if you prefer to write notes

July 30, 2022 - July 31, 2022

MISSA @ Shawnigan Lake School
1975 Renfrew Road
Shawnigan Lake, BC, V0R 2W1
Vancouver Island


