Drawing for Beginners -Self-Paced Online

February 22, 2021

$220 plus shipping



What makes this class different? 

A little story.  When I was fifteen I found a secondhand copy of Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain by Betty Edwards, and I was so amazed at how it explained the process of learning to draw.  I got very excited and tried to teach my high school friends at lunch.  They weren’t that thrilled.  Twenty years later, I FINALLY got my chance to put this amazing book into practice.

With the book as a guide, I have combined the best of Edwards’ drawing exercises with my own favourites pulled from fifteen years as an art teacher. For the more challenging activities in Edwards’ book, I have created ‘stepping stone’ activities that build up students`skills and confidence.  Throughout the class, I guide students through common drawing problems, explain the reasons why every beginner runs into the same problems, and teach techniques to help students truly `draw what they see`.

Expect to reflect!

This is a course for people who like to think about their learning and their process.  I am full of fascinating tidbits about the history of drawing, about how artists work, and about how drawing skills develop from infancy to adulthood.  Learn about how visual signals are processed by the brain, and how humans`amazing capacity for language might actually impede observational drawing.

Structure of the class:

You will receive an invitation to join our Google Classroom, which has written instructions for all assignments, printable files and links to videos.  You will need a Google account, usually a gmail address.

You also receive a package of handouts and supplies.  Local Vancouver pick-up, or I can mail to anywhere in BC.  The assignments are designed with a warm-up, a main exercise and a take-it-further extension.  There is a suggested schedule, but you are free to do the exercises in any order that you wish.  As you complete each exercise, email it to me for feedback.  You also have up to three hours of one-on-one instructional time, over video or phone, that you may use for  check-ins or longer tutorials (three hours over the entire course, to be used at your discretion).


Upload a photo or scan of your drawings and send it in (through Classroom, or just email/text me) for feedback.  With your permission, I can draw and make notes on your digital image and send it back.  Email feedback will be returned to you within 7 days.

Tech requirements:  

All you need is a computer that can access the internet, a Google account, and a way to scan or photograph your drawings, which you will then email or text to me.  We can discuss your progress over the phone, or video call.

What the Class Covers

In moving the in-person class to online, I’ve slowed down the pace, added more exercises, more content and more chances to revisit previous techniques.

The Beginners Class (six weeks) begins on Jan 31st, and covers contour lines, negative space, proportions, and markmaking!  There is a focus on drawing from photos and from artwork.  Absolutely foundational stuff for a beginner.  The class syllabus can be seen here.

This is for absolute beginners!  Intermediate class to debut shortly, and will take us into perspective, shading, gesture and faces.

Email Jacquie to get started!

Special Instructions

Online.  Will need Google account such as Gmail to access course materials.  Do not need to be based in Vancouver; I can mail you the coursepack, you pay shipping.  You will need a camera or scanner to send me images of your work.

Familiarity with Zoom or other video call programs helpful.


None!  Designed for beginners.

Registration Details

Email me jacquie@jacquiedraws.com with questions or to sign up.

Payment by e-transfer or cheque.  

Suppy List

You will receive some basic supplies, but you will need to provide paper.  I recommend a 9x12" mixed-media sketchbook.

February 22, 2021

$220 plus shipping

