Earth Day at The Bateman Foundation

April 22, 2022


Let’s inspire a new generation of eco-lovers! The Bateman Gallery is celebrating Earth Day all weekend long with free admission for children and free family-friendly activities to engage with the powerful exhibition: Environmental Impact II.

Earth Day is widely recognized as a day to increase awareness of climate change and promote ways that individuals and entire communities can work to help protect the environment. For April, the Bateman Foundation is celebrating Earth Day by promoting environmental awareness through the gallery, learning programs and community partnerships.

Earth weekend in the gallery includes:

Free admission for kids with an opportunity to see guest exhibition Environment Impact II, featuring over 20 artists with a powerful theme that critically examines how human actions and inactions impact our planet
Family-friendly activities like trivia and art creation
Free prizes and NatureSketch colouring books
A children’s book reading of Benjamin’s Blue Feet by acclaimed local author and illustrator Sue Macartney at 11 AM on Friday, April 22 and 10:30 AM on Saturday, April 23

April 22, 2022
10:00 am - 4:00 pm

The Bateman Gallery
470 Belleville Street
Victoria, BC, v8v1w9
