Exploring Composition with Lalita Hamill

February 20, 2021 - February 27, 2021



It is likely that you could compose your paintings to be more engaging and memorable to your viewers! This workshop, which is the same one Lalita designed for the Federation of Canadian Artists, will begin with you being the juror and assessing other peoples’ paintings and photographs. After that, we will get into the mindset of a juror, and do an in depth exploration of key components of composition. Ultimately, a painting either engages a viewer or it does not.

Few living artists use the elements and principles of design to their full advantage. By the end of this course you will have a deeper and broader understanding of what the various terms mean, why these concepts are important, and how you can apply them to improve the quality of your work. On day two we will reassess the same paintings and photos, and see in what ways your initial assessment has changed.

This workshop will also include an assessment of reference photographs you plan to use for future paintings; you’ll walk away with a better sense of which photos and still life set ups are more likely to set you up for success!

February 20th & 27th


Artist Bio:

Lalita is a sought-after instructor and juror who specializes in oil painting, art assessment and virtual reality. She studied traditional painting methods from classically trained instructors at the Vancouver Academy of Art for four years.  Lalita is a Signature member of the Federation of Canadian Artists, and an Associate Member of Oil Painters of America.

She has been teaching for over 30 years, facilitated public monthly critiques for 10 years, and developed a Foundations of Painting atelier course, which has been attended by 21 students per week in her studio for over four years.  She is accomplished in oils, acrylics and watercolour, and specializes in art assessment and jurying.

Lalita has a degree in Philosophy and English, and is also a writer, musician, & facilitator. She lives with her husband and 3 children in Langley, BC.

“I paint to gently awaken in myself and others that which has been lost, hidden, or buried.”  – L.C. Hamill

Visit www.lalitahamill.com

To register go to: http://artsociety.ca/public-section/weekend-workshops/

February 20, 2021 - February 27, 2021
10:00 am - 3:00 pm


