Federation of Canadian Artists – 3D Online Critique With Louise Solecki Weir, SFCA

September 28, 2023

$35 (members) / 40 (non-members) + 5% GST


Thursday, September 28th 

5.00 PM – 7.00 PM (PDT)

Online Via Zoom 

Open to all levels!  

Limited to 10 students!


Interactive Online Critiques:

To get to that “next level” you’ll sometimes need the constructive feedback of an experienced critic/fellow artist to drive your work forward. Critiques will help you grow as an artist and help you develop your work. Hear what is working in your art and ask for input on your current challenges. You’ll receive an overall evaluation of your artwork’s strengths and weaknesses and a clear idea of how to move forward with your art by FCA Senior Member Louise Solecki Weir. 

About Louise Solecki Weir, SFCA:

Louise first trained in Fine Arts at Vancouver Community College, before studying in Italy with the University of Georgia, and receiving a Bachelor of Fine Arts from York University in Toronto. She obtained her accreditation as an art therapist from the Toronto Art Therapy  Institute. She has traveled to England, Italy and the United States to take classes in sculpture and has studied forensic reconstruction under Karen T. Taylor.

Currently, Louise works on her own artistic practice and commissioned pieces. Her bronze portrait bust and statue of Pope John Paul II can be seen at the John Paul II Papal Centre in  Vancouver. Her work can be found in private collections in Canada, the U.S., England, and Australia.

Louise has taught clay sculpting to all ages, both expressive and classical styles. Currently, she teaches workshops from her studio and as a guest artist in classrooms and community centers. In the Sculptors’ Society of BC she has held the titles of secretary, treasurer and vice president over the years.


How to register:

Using the submission on artists.ca, upload up to six images of your work (= two artworks, three images per work) for the Online Critique Session by no later than Monday, September 25th. The critique is limited to 10 participants, so please submit early in order to secure your spot.



Registration Details

Please register at: https://artists.ca/submissions/view/id/1801

After enrolling you will receive an emailed invoice. Please keep this for your records. Closer to the critique date, you will be sent an email with further instructions and a link to the interactive online platform. If you have further questions about online critiques, please don't  hesitate to get in touch. Email education@artists.ca or call 604-681-2744.

Suppy List

For more information, please visit: https://federationacademy.ca/fca-critique-sculptors

September 28, 2023
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm

$35 (members) / 40 (non-members) + 5% GST

