Introductory Screen Printing | Wednesdays in April
April 03, 2024 - April 24, 2024
Join Ben Duncan in pursuit of the harmonious relationship between squeegee, ink, and screen. This workshop covers the basics of stencil screen printing, from producing film to pulling a print.
Participants will have the opportunity to work with hand drawn film or digital film created in photoshop. Various methods of image production will be covered, including basic photoshop techniques. Prior experience with photoshop is not mandatory, however it is encouraged for those who wish to work exclusively with digital film.
Participants can expect to finish this workshop with a two or three colour printed edition of their own design and the knowledge needed to continue screen printing independently.
Ben Duncan (he/him)
My work is an attempt to convey with earnestness and compassion the trials and tribulations of the common creature. The slithery forms and toddler skull empires I construct are a way in which I can test the depths of my own imagined depravity against an appetizing backdrop of edible leitmotifs. Disturbing incidents of real-world violence, intentional and otherwise, are filtered through a fruit salad lens in order to bring forth uplifting and lighthearted narratives of triumph and disaster. Bit by bit, I aim to construct a visual universe as vast and dynamic as the intangible, imagined counterpart from which each idea is plucked. It is very much an open ended project.
Registration Details
To register, go to Malaspina's website at
Suppy List
All materials are included in the registration fee.