It’s Going To Be Okay: selections from the Bottled Series by Joanne Thomson

March 08, 2022


It’s Going to Be Okay

Selections from the Bottled Series by Joanne Thomson Cedarhill Recreation Centre

Main Gallery

3220 Cedar Hill Rd, Victoria, BC V8P 3Y3

March 8 – 28, 2022.

Humans of all genders will find themselves represented in the Bottled Series. It is about living with limits and is very apt for the current world situation. Created over a 25-year period the series represents Thomson’s struggles with internalized and external oppressions. Her simple figures tell stories that are both comical and contemplative. Bright colours lure the viewer into the works where they are surprised by delightful and sometimes alarming human interactions.

The title of the show is “It’s going to be okay” because it is. It took Thomson 15 years of working with these images to finally get out of the “bottle” and stay out. We will get through this crisis too. It will take time and it will be painful, but it will finally be okay at some point.

The show opens on international Women’s Day 2022, which is quite poignant as the first Bottled Women paintings were exhibited on International Women’s Day in 1997.

(You can access the gallery whenever the rec centre is open, the lights will come on when you open the gallery doors.)

Submissions Deadline
March 3, 2022

March 08, 2022
8:00 am - 10:00 pm

Main Gallery at Cedarhill Rec Center
3220 Cedarhill Road.
Victoria, British Columbia, V8P 3Y3
