Ladysmith Arts Mini Conference

June 03, 2023


Ladysmith Arts is excited to be offering our second mini arts conference! Join us for a FREE day of art speakers and demos on June 3, 2023 from 10AM to 2PM. Participants can choose to attend the whole day or arrive for specific talks. RSVP is required:

Speakers include:

Artist Darcy Johnson discusses artist residencies through her own personal experiences as well as offering resources and advice to those looking to apply for residences or offering them. Darcy has participated in artist residencies in New York, France and Calgary.
Broadway actor Stephanie Roth will discuss how performing arts is beneficial to people of all ages while sharing personal anecdotes and experiences from her hearly 35 years working in the musical theatre industry
Executive Director of Ladysmith Arts Delie Lawley will discuss the new submission process for artists looking to show at the brand new Ladysmith Gallery. From how to complete the online form to preparing your work for hanging and taking good quality photos of your work, this is a great time to see what is required to show in a high traffic location that is now available to all members.

June 03, 2023
10:00 am - 2:00 pm

Arts Council of Ladysmith and District
444 Parkhill Terrace
Ladysmith, , V9G 1V6
